What is ISO 45001?

The ISO 45001 is an occupational health and safety management system (OHSAS) which has been designed to help businesses develop health and safety objectives and implement practices. The system provides a structured and methodical approach for identifying risks and then eliminating them.

The standard is compatible with EMS and other international management systems.

The Process



We review your existing management systems in relation to requirements of the relevant standards for certification.


Stage 1 Audit

A review of your management system(s) documentation is undertaken as the first step in the certification process.


Certification Audit

The Certification Audit is conducted on site to verify that you have implemented the management system across your organisation.


Years 2 & 3: Certification Maintenance

We will conduct an annual Surveillance Audit to check the ongoing implementation of management systems across your organisation.

The Benefits

With the ISO 45001 standard, you can

Maintain a safer and healthier work environment: Implementing ISO 45001 standard will help reduce accidents and injuries at your workplace, contributing to safer and healthier environment.

Decrease downtime: Ill and injured employees decrease productivity levels. The ISO 45001 is aimed at safety, ensuring that all of your employees will work in a safe environment.

Decrease costs: Implementing this standard can protect your business from legal actions and limit/eliminate fines. Additionally, may allow you to get lower insurance premiums.

Boost employee morale: With the implementation of this standard, it has been consistently proven that workforce delivers a better performance.

Demonstrate your commitment: Implementing an ISO 45001 shows that you are committed to the safety of your employees.

Earn credibility: The ISO 45001 builds your credibility by ascertaining that your business follows a standardised occupational health and safety management system.